Congrats to our very own Cynthia Rapaido (FWN100 '12)! Cynthia is receiving the Association of California School Administrator's (ACSA) State & Region V Secondary Co-Administrator of the Year Award for 2013! You are invited to come to support her at the Region V (San Mateo & San Francisco) Award Dinner on Monday, April 29, 2013 in South San Francisco. Click here to see the flyer for more information.
Shared by Cora Alisuag (FWN100 '07): CORAnet Solutions, Inc. has an entry in the New York eHealth Collaborative Challenge and is kindly asking you to please review and vote for them. To vote, visit and watch the CORAnet video. Voting ends April 23, 2013.

Call for Support: Assemblymember Rob Bonta's bill AB 123 which would require the State Board of Education to ensure that state curriculum and framework include information on the role of Filipino Americans in the history of the farm labor movement. As you may know, the bill passed unanimously through the Assembly Education Committee. In order to continue pushing the bill through the legislative process, we are hoping that you could send support letters for AB 123 addressed to Assemblymember Gatto, Chair of the Appropriations Committee.
If being sent from a formal organization, letters must be signed by an authorized representative of the organization and on formal letterhead. If from an individual, the letter simply needs to be signed by the individual writing it. All letters can be sent by email to or faxed to (916) 391-2118.

Do you speak Tagalog? In honor of FWN's 10th Anniversary, the Tagalog version "Usaping Puki" will be produced.
AUDITIONS: open to FilAms only and can speak Tagalog. Although the show is in Taglish, fluency in Tagalog is important to understand the spirit of this activist show. Limited auditions on Saturday, April 20 at 1:30pm. Click to sign up and receive audition location when we confirm.
Please forward to your e-lists, networks, friends and family. Your support to continue our vigilance in FWN's anti-violence campaign in the Filipino American community is critical.
Usaping Puki is a one-day benefit performance ONLY:
- May 26, Sunday, 2:30pm (matinee)
- Fort McKinley Restaurant
- 101 Brentwood Drive, South San Francisco
Tickets are selling fast -
- $100 (VIP seating with Filipino Buffet Lunch and attend Cast After-Party);
- $45 (Preferred Seating with Filipino Buffet Lunch) and
- $25 for General Admission (open seating).
- Tickets can be purchased at Limited seating at Fort McKinley so reserve your tickets NOW.
Syria Has a Massive Rape Crisis, According to a Women's Media Center Report Issued Today
New York - After one year of mapping how sexualized violence is being used as a weapon in Syria's war, the Women's Media Center Women Under Sieze project today released statistics that show rape is a devastating component of the conflict. Read full text.
Dropping the 'i' Word -- History, Humanity, and Martians
In early April the Associated Press announced that it would no longer use the word "illegal" when referring to undocumented immigrants. - Inquirer. Read more...
Congresswoman Jackie Speier and Senator Brian Schatz Demand Full Benefits for Filipino WWII Veterans Who Fought for US
Senator Brian Schatz (D-HI) and Congresswoman Jackie Speier (D-San Francisco/San Mateo) yesterday introduced legislation to right an unjust wrong in our nation's past. - AsianWeek. Read more...
G8 reaches 'historic' agreement to end rape as weapon of war
The world's eight richest nations have reached a historic agreement to work together to end sexual violence in conflicts, Britain's foreign minister William Hague announced on Thursday. - TrustLaw. Read more...
Alvarado Middle School to be Renamed After Filipino American Leaders in 2015
After months of heated discussions and rallies, the New Haven Board of Education approved a motion Tuesday night to rename Alvarado Middle School after Filipino-American leaders. - UnionCityPatch. Read more...
New Hampshire lawmaker apologizes for calling women 'vaginas'
A New Hampshire state representative apologized on Wednesday for using "vagina" as a synonym for "woman" in a mass email to lawmakers as part of a gun-law debate. - Reuters. Read more...
Why domestic violence victims don't leave
Leslie Morgan Steiner was in "crazy love"--that is, madly in love with a man who routinely abused her and threatened her life. - TED. Read more...
APEX LA Spring Mixer, April 18, 2013, Thursday at 6:30 PM - Los Angeles Athletic Club, 431 W. 7th Street, Los Angeles. Click for info.
The Philippines: Asia's New Emerging Tiger, April 23, 2013, Tuesday at 10:00 AM - Westin South Coast Plaza, 686 Anton Blvd, Costa Mesa. RSVP to
AB 241 Press Conference & Assembly Labor Committee Hearing, April 24, 2013, Wednesday at 7:30 AM - Sacramento State Capitol, Sacramento. Click for info.
The 6th Annual Art of Aging Gracefully, April 25, 2013, Thursday at 9:30 AM - Jewish Community Center of San Francisco, 3200 California St, San Francisco. Click for info.
The 9th Annual Justice Awards, April 25, 2013, Thursday at 2:00 PM - African American Art and Culture Complex, 762 Fulton St, San Francisco. Click for info.
Project Sentinel's 7th Annual Fair Housing Symposium, April 26, 2013, Friday at 8:00 AM - Computer History Museum, 1401 N Shoreline Blvd, Mountain View. Click for info.
Susan B. Anthony Woman of the Year Celebration, April 28, 2013, Sunday at 4:00 PM - Urban Legend Cellars, 621 4th Street, Oakland. Click for info.
Ellis Events Presents "Women Rock," April 28, 2013, Sunday at 11:00 AM - Marriott Liberty Station, San Diego. Click for info.
Fems with Fervor, May 1, 2013, Wednesday at 7:00 PM - ROE, 651 Howard St, San Francisco. Click for info.
Greenlining's 20th Economic Summit Vision 20/20:Our Legacy Our Horizon, May 17, 2013, Friday at 9:30 AM - the Fairmont Hotel, 950 Mason St, San Francisco. Click for info.
Shared by Nilda Valmores (FWN100 '12): My Sister's House Benefit: Believe In A Better Life, May 20, 2013, Monday at 7:00 PM - Crest Theatre, 1013 K St, Sacramento. Click for info.
FWN Professional Series - Session #3, May 28, 2013, Tuesday at 5:30 PM. San Francisco. Click for info.
Most Influential Women in Business Awards, June 6, 2013, Thursday at 5:30 PM - Hilton San Francisco Union Square, 333 O' Farrell St, San Francisco. Click for info.
3rd Annual San Francisco Peacemaker Awards, June 6, 2013, Friday at The City Club of San Francisco, San Francisco. Click for info.
Asian & Pacific Islander Institute on Domestic Violence 2013 National Summit, June 30 - July 2, 2013, San Francisco. Click for info.
Washington, D.C.
WOSB Opportunity Luncheon, April 23, 2013, Tuesday at 12:30 PM - Washington Court Hotel on Capitol Hill, 525 New Jersey Avenue, NW, Washington, DC. Click for info.
2013 Americas NeuroLeadership Summit, November 5-8, 2013. Washington, D.C. Click for info.
WOCN's Economic Policy and Leadership Southern Regional Forum, April 18-19, 2013 - New Orleans. Click for info.
New York
Asian Women In Business (AWIB) Spring Potluck, April 19, 2013, Friday at 6:00 PM - 12 West 18th Street, #3E (between 5th and 6th Ave), NYC. Click for info.
APALA 2013 12th Biennial Convention, August 15-18, 2013, Bally's Las Vegas, 3645 Las Vegas Blvd S., Las Vegas. Click for info.
Asian Publishing Convention, July 11-12, 2013, Thursday - Friday, Manila. Click for info.
Job: Police Officer (Entry Level/Academy Graduate/Lateral)
Posted By: The City of El Cajon
Deadline: Monday, May 6, 2013 by 5:00 PM.
2013 Executive Directors Leadership Program (EDLP)
EDLP is a three part, six month program designed to give Executive Directors the knowledge, skills, and support they need to effectively lead, manage, and more their organizations forward.
Applications Due May 17, 2013.
WEBINAR: ExportNOW 104: Doing Business in the Philippines: Are You Interested in the Opportunity?
Posted By: Women Impacting Public Policy
Date: Thursday, April 18, 2013 at 11 AM ET / 8 AM PT
Job: Shambala Fellowship 2014-2015
Description: Work with international NGOs in Asia and raise funds to support OWW orphans
Posted By: The Shambala Foundation
Stipend: $500/month
WEBINAR: Public Benefits for Immigrant Survivors
Date: April 19, 2013 at 12 PM PT / 2 PM ET.
Deadline to Register: April 15, 2013.
Scholarship Opportunity:
In praise of halo-halo
The summer heat sears across the metro and the archipelago, reports of the current day being recorded as the hottest of the year gets topped off by an even hotter day that bombards our senses already on the brink. - Read more...
For this week's feature in the following section, I want to show some spotlight on TED (Technology, Entertainment, and Design), which is a nonprofit whose main goal is to bring people together through the sharing of ideas. You're probably wondering how this "connects you with your pinay roots." So let me tell you. TED is a wonderful place that can provide the opportunity for you to share your Filipina American voice. Through TED's TEDx program, it allows "communities, organizations, and individuals the opportunity to stimulate dialogue through TED-like experiences at the local level." TED also has a TED Fellows program, which "helps world-changing innovators from around the globe...amplify the impact" of their projects and work. Members of the TED Fellow program include several Filipinos, such as Francis de los Reyes III. Maybe YOU can become a TED fellow and represent Filipinas!
Check out "Rethinking the term 'illegal' immigrant: Because people can't be illegal" featuring Jose Vargas:
Learn more about TED by visiting
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