FEMtor™ Application

As one of the FWN
100 Most Influential Filipina Women, you now have the privilege to develop the next generation of Filipina women leaders.
FEMtoring is a special honor to facilitate an emerging Filipina leader’s personal and professional growth by sharing wisdom you have gained through years of experience.
As a FEMtor™, you also benefit through:
- Enhancement of your skills.
- Development of your own organization’s mentoring program.
- Creation of a legacy.
Femtoring can be a truly rewarding experience. Becoming a FEMtor™ is a big decision that requires intentionality. FWN asks your commitment of time and energy as well as a contribution of $100 to defray operational expenses. The benefits to you, your own organization, and to the development of Pinay Power 2020 are well worth your effort.