- Abigail Ricarte, Principal and Lead Designer, Bambako
- Judge Cheryl Moss, Family Division Court, Clark County, Nevada
- Christina Lagdameo, Deputy Director, White House Initiative on Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders
- Dr. Connie Mariano, Author, The White House Doctor
('07 FWN 100)
- Elena Mangahas, Chair, Filipina Women's Network Board; Co-Chair, Little Manila Foundation ('07 FWN 100, Keeper of the Flame)
- Gloria T. Caoile, Senior Political Director, Asian Pacific American Labor Alliance ('07 FWN 100)
- Irene Bueno, Esq., Co-Founder and Partner, NVG, LLC
('07 FWN 100)
- Jessica Cox, Pilot (first licensed pilot with no arms)
('09 FWN 100)
- Philippine Consul General Mary Jo Bernardo Aragon,
Los Angeles
- Philippine Trade Commissioner Josephine Romero,
U.S. Western Region, Board Member, Filipina Women's Network
- Marily Mondejar,
President, Filipina Women's Network, President, Friends of the San
Francisco Commission on the Status of Women, Executive Board Member,
Leadership California (FWN 100 Keeper of the Flame)
- Maria A. Beebe, PhD, Portland State University, School of Extended Studies
- Maya Ong Escudero, Board Member, Filipina Women's Network, President, Nonprofit Projects Unlimited ('09 FWN 100, Keeper of the Flame)
- Former California Lieutenant Governor Mona Pasquil
('07 FWN 100)
- Norma Edar, Owner and Chief Financial Officer, A TopNotch Security Services, Inc., Costless Maintenance Services, Inc.
('09 FWN 100)
- Mayor Ruth Asmundson, PhD, City of Davis (California)
('07 FWN 100)
- Rozita Villanueva Lee, President, RVL, Inc., Vice Chair, NaFFAA ('07 FWN 100)
- Robyn Magalit Rodriguez, PhD, Assistant Professor, Rutgers University ('09 FWN 100)
- Sheila Lirio Marcelo, Founder and CEO, Care.com, Inc.
- Sunny Dykwel, Non-profit board leadership: YMCA, Chamber of Commerce, Rotary, PTA Council, school and recreation foundations ('09 FWN 100)
- Susie Quesada, Executive Vice President, Ramar Foods International ('07 FWN 100)
- Justice Tani Gorre Cantil-Sakauye, Chief Justice of California Nominee (invited) ('07 FWN 100)
- Tessie Cruz Villacorta, APR, Social Change Advocate
- Valerie Santos, Deputy Mayor, Washington, D.C.
- Vanessa Barcelona, Esq., Immigrant Rights Leader
('07 FWN 100)
- Vida Benavides, Principal, State/Local and Multicultural Practice, Dewey Square Group (DSG) ('07 FWN 100)
- Zeny Cunanan, President and CEO, Galaxy Global Corporation ('09 FWN 100)