"Women of Color United Against Violence"
somewhere in the U.S., in a place close to you
a woman becomes
every 20 minutes
and those are just the reported cases.
The Filipina Women's Network advocates for an education campaign to raise awareness
about the violence being perpetrated against Women.
Violence against women takes shape in a multitude of forms including domestic violence,
stalking, rape, sexual assault, the trafficking of women and children,
date rape, verbal abuse, harassment, and hate crimes.
Violence does not discriminate regardless of class, ability, age, education,
immigration status, sexual orientation, and religion.
Join the chorus of voices around the WORLD, as we say "No" to violence against Women of Color. Bring your grandmother, your mother, your wife, your aunt, your sister, your daughter, your niece, your friend. Empower them. Free them. Bring the men in your lives, too.
Let us all help stop the madness.

The Filipina Women's Network presents benefit performances of
Eve Ensler's stunning play The Vagina Monologues & Usaping Puki (Filipino language version)
to benefit
V-Day's 2013 Spotlight and the Women of Color United Against Violence, FWN's education awareness campaign to STOP violence against women of color.
TWO SHOWS: May 26, 2013, Sunday, 2:30 pm
Fort McKinley Restaurant, 101 Brentwood Drive, South San Francisco
$100 (VIP seats with Filipino Buffet Lunch & Attend Cast After-Party)
$45 (preferred seating with Filipino Buffet Lunch)
$25 (general admission; open seating)
April 6, 2013, Friday, 7:30 pm
Herbst Theatre, 401 Van Ness Ave., San Francisco
Tickets $28 (FWN /cast / crew members, students, seniors), $38 (general admission),
$100 (VIP seats), 10% discount for groups of 10 or more.
1) sponsor a resident or staff member of a domestic violence shelter / agency so she can come to the show; 2) sponsor a cast member. Click link to sponsor - www.FilipinaWomensNetwork.org/events.
Be a friend. Be a sponsor. Help FWN publish the V-Diaries: anti-violence resource guide so we can spread the word that help is available for women who want to leave abusive relationships.
Place a sponsor ad at www.FilipinaWomensNetwork.org/events
V-Day FWN sponsors (partial list) are
Al Graf Bail Bonds, Minami Law Offices, Julie Soo, Sonia Delen, AsianWeek Foundation, Filipino American Arts Exposition, Philippine Center, Philippine News,
A Topnotch Security Services
What are The Vagina Monologues?
Award-winning play based on V-Day Founder/playwright Eve Ensler's interviews with more than 200 women. With humor and grace the piece celebrates women's sexuality and strength. Through this play and the liberation of this one word, countless women throughout the world have taken control of their bodies and their lives. For more than 13 years, The Vagina Monologues has given voice to experiences and feelings not previously exposed in public.
Filipina Women's Network
San Francisco, California 94119
415.935.4FWN |