2012 Vagina Warriors
By Kat Yalung from
2012 V-Diaries
Adam Keigwin has devoted himself professionally and personally to ending violence against women. He was the first male student to minor in Women's Studies at the University of Massachusetts.
Adam organized the first statewide White Ribbon Campaign (WRC) in North Carolina. The WRC is the largest effort in the world of men working to end violence against women (VAW). Upon moving to California, Adam continued his efforts in ending VAW by organizing the White Ribbon Campaign in San Mateo which was the first such campaign in California. In 2006 Adam helped ACR 106, White Ribbon Campaign, chaptered into law.
Keigwin has been instrumental in passing landmark legislation to protect children, domestic violence survivors, the environment, and consumers.
SB 1356 (2008) which eliminates the court's discretion to imprison or otherwise confine in custody a victim of a domestic violence crime for contempt for refusing to testify concerning that domestic violence crime. SB 13 (2009) restoring $16.3 million for 94 domestic violence shelters and centers throughout California. SB 782 (2010) protecting victims of domestic violence from being evicted and requires landlords to change the locks within 24 hours of receiving a written request with a copy of a police report or court order.
Other efforts include addressing youth access to violent video games and most recently legislation regarding sexually exploited minors.
John Delgado grew up in Southern California. He earned his B.S. in Electrical Engineering from UCLA in 1991 and Law Degree from UC Hastings in 1997. The oldest of five children, he was the first of his family to graduate from college. Before entering law school, Vice Mayor Delgado worked as an environmental consultant, then as a software consultant.
In 1998, he became a prosecutor for the Los Angeles District Attorney’s Office and also had a short stint working for a private law firm that represented the Los Angeles Sheriff’s Department. 
In 2000, Delgado joined the San Francisco District Attorney’s Office where he continues to prosecute criminals.
John Delgado has handled thousands of cases and spent a majority of his career in units that specialize in domestic violence. His most notable cases were the People v. Eric Knight case, also known as the “Vampire Case”, where the defendant bit a good Samaritan in the neck and tried to drink his blood; People v. Suarez case where Delgado was recognized by the Bay Area Chapter for MADD for his work in seeking a greater penalty on a defendant when he drove drunk and crashed his car into an elderly woman causing her legs to be severed; and People v McGowan case, where the defendant was convicted of brutalizing and kidnapping his wife, based in part on a 911 call recording.
In November 2010, John Delgado was elected to a four year term on the Hercules City Council. In June 2011, Council Member Delgado was selected by the City Council to serve as Vice Mayor. He currently serves as the Hercules Vice-Mayor and will be Mayor on 2013.
John Delgado’s ethnic heritage is part-Filipino, part-Hispanic. He is married to Jeanne Poco Delgado, of Filipina heritage. They have two children, Gabriel and Gianna and in his free time, he loves to explore the Bay Area with his family.
Julie Soo is an attorney and a community volunteer who believes in setting positive examples through action. “I never ask anyone to do something that I am not willing to fully engage in myself,” she explains. She transitioned from a career in mathematics to law after seeing what attorneys could do to help those without a voice.
Prior to full-time law practice, Julie served as legislative staff and advisor to members of the San Francisco Board of Supervisors and worked on the Equal Access to Services Ordinance legislation to help limited-English proficient residents participate in local government. Julie is well-recognized as a former staff writer with AsianWeek. She also appeared on New California Media, a public television news roundtable for California’s ethnic news community.
In 2010, a year after being named to the San Francisco Commission on the Status of Women, Julie enrolled in a special 16-week Bridges to Freedom Language Fluency Project for training in Cantonese on terminology related to domestic violence, including medical and legal terminology. This was a good challenge for Julie, a fourth-generation San Franciscan who had only general conversational skills in the language. She also became more familiar with special visas available to non-citizens who are victims of domestic violence or human trafficking. She has talked about domestic violence on Cantonese television and radio programs to let immigrant women know that, “An ’ABC’ – American Born Chinese – is ready to lend a hand and to help each person find a voice. Language shouldn’t be a barrier to those in need.”