FEMtee™ Application

FEMtorMatch™ is an FWN strategy to develop next generation Filipina leaders through local and global partnerships between female mentors (FEMtors™) and female mentees (FEMtees™).
FEMtorMatch™ is a structured one-on-one mentoring that unlocks the power of the Internet to broaden and deepen the reach of traditional mentoring. Thus, both FEMtors™ and FEMtees™ can reside anywhere in the world.
Through FEMtorMatch™, trained FEMtors™ and screened FEMtees™ are matched in one-on-one partnerships and agree to communicate at least bi-weekly through a secure FWN FEMtorMatch™ website. The needs and interests of the women who request femtoring drive the exchanges between the FEMtees™ and the FEMtors™. Our focus is on the needs of an approved FEMtee™ to develop her full career potential.
Based on established leadership competencies, FEMtorMatch™ can provide FEMtees™ the skillsets and networks they need to succeed as professionals, managers and leaders anywhere in the world.