Our very own Jessica Cox (FWN100 '09) "inspires students never to give up" Check out the article on The Laurel Outlook:

Do you speak Tagalog? In honor of FWN's 10th Anniversary, the Tagalog version "Usaping Puki" will be produced.
AUDITIONS: open to FilAms only and can speak Tagalog. Although the show is in Taglish, fluency in Tagalog is important to understand the spirit of this activist show. Limited auditions on Saturday, May 11 at 1:30pm.
Go to to sign up - we will be at the Philippine Consulate's Social Hall (5th Floor), 447 Sutter Street (between Stockton and Powell), San Francisco.
Please forward to your e-lists, networks, friends and family. Your support to continue our vigilance in FWN's anti-violence campaign in the Filipino American community is critical.
Usaping Puki is a one-day benefit performance ONLY:
- May 26, Sunday, 2:30pm (matinee)
- Fort McKinley Restaurant
- 101 Brentwood Drive, South San Francisco
Tickets are selling fast -
- $100 (VIP seating with Filipino Buffet Lunch and attend Cast After-Party);
- $45 (Preferred Seating with Filipino Buffet Lunch)
- $25 for General Admission (open seating).
- Tickets can be purchased at Limited seating at Fort McKinley so reserve your tickets NOW.

Ignite your economic spirit! Join us 4th Tuesdays and learn ways to manage your current life issues, explore your options in each of the 12 Life Empowerment Areas for personal and professional development. The 3rd session will explore Economic Security.
You have more money than you think!
According to a new study by the organization Wider Opportunities for Women - 45% of ALL Americans live without economic security - meaning they can't afford all the basics of life - like food, clothing, transportation, and medical care. Again - that's nearly half of the population in economic insecurity. And MORE than half - 55% of all children - live in economic insecurity.
Whatever your income, you can plan for your economic independence. If you're in life or career transition and economic security is a concern, join us.
Taking Charge of your financial future: an honest discussion
- You have more money than you think!
- The truth about money
- Mistakes smart women make
- Unique planning needs for women
- Solutions for every stage of our lives
- Creating a realistic plan that's right for YOU whatever your circumstances
- Edcelyn Pujol, (FWN100 '12) is Certified Financial Planner ™ with Frontier Wealth Strategies
- Jacqueline Yu, Esq. (FWN100 '12) is Estate Planning Attorney with Horton, Roberts & West LLP
Click here to learn more about FWN's Professional Development Philosophy.
May 28, Tuesday, 5:30pm
Come at 4:30pm and attend the "12 Areas of Life Empowerment: What do you want to do with the rest of your life?" facilitated by Marily Mondejar
Sessions are small for in-depth exploration. Reserve your seat now.
Refreshments provided by LTD Global Accounting and Business Services.
$40 for FWN Members; FREE for members if you bring a paying guest; $50 for Non-members).
Session scholarships available from A Topnotch Security Services Inc. Email us to request.
- 582 Market St @ 2nd St, San Francisco, 10th Floor
- BART/Muni: exit Montgomery Station and come up 2nd Street
- Parking: $10 after 5pm to 9pm at the Eighty Five Second Street Garage. Parking Entrance at 590 Mission St. Other parking garages in the general vicinity, visit
Every 4th Tuesday in 2013 (with a few exceptions such as the Annual Filipina Summit), we will explore in-depth the 12 Life Empowerment Areas - your life issues and options. Mark your 2013 calendar - sessions are facilitated by selected faculty with expertise in the 12 life areas.
WIPP Announces ChallengeHER and Agency Program:
WIPP, the Small Business Administration (SBA), and American Express OPEN partnered together to create ChallengeHER, an initiative to support the Women-Owned Small Business Program. Throughout 2013, we will be touring cities around the country to build on the strength of the WOSB Program, in both ChallengeHER Events with SBA resource partners as well as WOSB Opportunity Forums that will bring WOSBs directly into the headquarters specific agencies.
Join the journey. ChallengeHER will offer events and workshops and access to an online curriculum, mentoring opportunities and government buyers with a goal to provide women entrepreneurs with knowledge and connections to help them successfully compete in the government marketplace.
You can help us and your members by sharing the attached flyer for the DOE WOSB Opportunity Forum with your members who are active federal contractors, or interested in growing their business with federal contracts, and by providing them with information on the ChallengeHER pledge (click here) to expand their business with federal contracting.
Los Angeles Asian Pacific Film Festival, starting May 1 through May 12!
Since 1983, LAAPFF serves as a forum for Asian American filmmakers to showcase their work. The festival has featured works from artists such as John Woo and Ang Lee. For the full schedule, ticket purchases, and information, visit LAAPF’s official website!
Shared by Agnes Briones Ubalde: 2013 National Small Business Week, June 17-20, 2013
Every year since 1963, the President of the United States has issued a proclamation announcing National Small Business Week, which recognizes the critical contributions of America’s entrepreneurs and small business owners:
More than half of Americans either own or work for a small business, and they create about two out of every three new jobs in the U.S. each year.
As part of National Small Business Week, the U.S. Small Business Administration takes the opportunity to highlight the impact of outstanding entrepreneurs, small business owners, and others from all 50 states and U.S. territories. Every day, they’re working to grow small businesses, create 21st century jobs, drive innovation, and increase America’s global competitiveness.
Wells Fargo, is committed to supporting our local small businesses succeed and grow financially. In the spirit of 2013 National Small Business Week, please let me know how we can support your small business clients by offering free financial education thru our Hands on Banking financial literacy curriculum:
Call or email Agnes Briones Ubalde at 510.446.4359 or today if you have an existing forum/workshop/session scheduled in May/June and we can personally set up a meeting with your clients to meet with our Business Banking Specialists and/or other Small Business banking partners to provide a face-to-face lesson on starting, managing and growing your business.
Pelosi Statement on Asian Pacific American Heritage Month
Washington, D.C. – Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi released the following statement today honoring Asian Pacific American Heritage Month. Read full text.
Award-winning Filipino film, Busong (Palawan Fate)
Los Angeles - The film, "Busong (Palawan Fate)" will have its US and international dvd release on May 1, 2013. Read full text.
Nicolas-Lewis endorses Quinn for Mayor
Fil-Am community leader Loida Nicolas Lewis has endorsed Christine Quinn for mayor of New York and urges Filipino Americans to join “Pinoys for Chris Quinn.” - Inquirer. Read more...
Filipino & Black Duo Crash Silicon Valley's Party
In a thriving Bay Area technology sector where black and brown faces are the exception and not the norm, Chris Cruz, a Filipino American, and Isaac Reed, an African American, are crashing the party. - New America Media. Read more...
Telltale Signs: Philippines - a Jewish refuge from the Holocast
The world knows about Austrian industrialist Oskar Schindler and how he saved 1,100 Polish Jews during WWII by hiring them as workers in his factory because of Steven Spielberg’s Schindler’s List which received the 1993 Oscar for Best Picture. - AsianWeek. Read more...
On Mother's Day Let's Talk More About Her Health
Call it a holiday makeover. As the centennial of Mother's Day approaches next year, more and more advocates for women's health are reshaping the heavily commercial spring celebration to an educational cause. - WOMENSENEWS. Read more...
Alameda API Cultural Festival to Honor Veterans
The Alameda Asian Pacific Islander Cultural Festival Committee announced today they will honor four distinguished Asian Pacific Islander American veterans at Alameda’s 3rd Annual API Cultural Festival scheduled for Sunday, May 19, 2013, from Noon to 5 p.m. at Alameda’s South Shore Center. - AsianWeek. Read more...
Book Launch: The Mango Bride, May 9, 2013, Thursday at 6:00 PM - Manilatown Center, 868 Kearny Street, San Francisco. Click for info.
The Women of Juarez, April 12 - May 19, 2013, Frida Kahlo Theatre, 2332 W. Fourth St, Los Angeles. Click for info.
Asian Women's Shelter 25th Anniversary Gala, May 11, 2013, Saturday at 6:00 PM - The Rincon Center, 101 Spear Street, San Francisco. Click for info.
2013 Asian Pacific Islander Heritage Month Gala, May 13, 2013, Monday at 5:00 PM - Sacramento Convention Center, 1400 J St, Sacramento. Click for info.
Greenlining's 20th Economic Summit Vision 20/20:Our Legacy Our Horizon, May 17, 2013, Friday at 9:30 AM - the Fairmont Hotel, 950 Mason St, San Francisco. Click for info.
NCLR 36th Anniversary Celebration Party, May 18, 2013, Saturday at 8:00 PM - City View at Metreon, 135 4th Street, San Francisco. Click for info.
Shared by Nilda Valmores (FWN100 '12): My Sister's House Benefit: Believe In A Better Life, May 20, 2013, Monday at 7:00 PM - Crest Theatre, 1013 K St, Sacramento. Click for info.
Bay Area Council 2013 Outlook Conference, May 23, 2013, Thursday at 1:00 PM - San Francisco Jazz Center, 201 Franklin Street, San Francisco. Click for info.
PBWC Conference: The Next Genderation - Unlocking the Full Potential of Women in the Workplace, May 23, 2013, Thursday - Moscone Center, San Francisco. Click for info.
FWN Professional Series - Session #3, May 28, 2013, Tuesday at 5:30 PM. San Francisco. Click for info.
CAA Celebration of Justice, June 6, 2013, Thursday at 6:00 PM - Empress of China, 838 Grant Avenue, San Francisco. Click for info.
Most Influential Women in Business Awards, June 6, 2013, Thursday at 5:30 PM - Hilton San Francisco Union Square, 333 O' Farrell St, San Francisco. Click for info.
New Filipino Cinema 2013, June 5-9, 2013, Wednesday-Sunday, YCBA Screening Room, 701 Mission St, San Francisco. Click for info.
3rd Annual San Francisco Peacemaker Awards, June 6, 2013, Friday at The City Club of San Francisco, San Francisco. Click for info.
Shared by Esther Lee (FWN100 '12): Legacy of Health, Wellness, and Education Symposium, June 8, 2013, Saturday at 8:15 AM - Oracle Conference Center, 350 Oracle Parkway, Redwood City. LHWE Tri-Fold Brochure_3_21_13.pdf
Queen's Bench Annual Judges' Dinner, June 13, 2013, Thursday at 5:30 PM - Parc 55 Wyndham Union Square, 55 Cyril Magnin, San Francisco. Click for info.
Asian & Pacific Islander Institute on Domestic Violence 2013 National Summit, June 30 - July 2, 2013, San Francisco. Click for info.
Philippine Nurses Association of Metropolitan DC - Nurses Day, May 10, 2013, Friday at 7:05 PM - Washington Nationals Baseball Club, Nationals Park, Washington DC. Click for info.
Philippine Multi-Cultural Center Fundraiser, May 11, 18, & 25, 2013 , Saturday at 8:00 PM - 7500 Livingston Road, MD. Call Grace Villanueva at 301.567.2280.
Mabuhay 10th Annual Fundraising Golf Tournament, May 18, 2013, Saturday - Marlton Golf Club, 9413 Midland Turn, Upper Marlboro, MD. Call Jimmy Cardano at 301.352.5126.
Maryland Philippine Festival, June 2, 2013, Sunday - Maryland State Fairgrounds, Timonium, MD. Contact Luis Florendo at
2013 Americas NeuroLeadership Summit, November 5-8, 2013. Washington, D.C. Click for info.
New York
The Growing Numbers, Growing Impact: Mayoral Candidates Forum on Asian Pacific Americans, May 20, 3013, Monday at 5:30 PM - LaGuardia Community College, Mainstage Theatre, 31-10 Thomson Ave, Long Island City, Queens. Click for info.
APALA 2013 12th Biennial Convention, August 15-18, 2013, Bally's Las Vegas, 3645 Las Vegas Blvd S., Las Vegas. Click for info.
APACC Celebrating Asian-Pacific American Heritage Month Annual Meet & Greet, May 21, 2013, Tuesday at 6:00 PM - Lan Su Chinese Garden, 127 NW 3rd Ave, Portland. Click for info.
Asian Publishing Convention, July 11-12, 2013, Thursday - Friday, Manila. Click for info.
Taste of Asia, May 10, 2013, Friday at 5:00 PM - Boys & Girls Club, 5901 Leesburg Pike, Falls Church. Click for info.
Posted by: The California Attorney General's Office
Deadline: May 10, 2013.
WEBINAR: Importance of Cultural Awareness in Social Movements
Posted By: Young SIETAR
Date: May 4, 2013 - space is limited.
Girls Circle Facilitator Training in San Pablo, CA June 20-21, 2013
Deadline for Early Bird Registration: May 23rd, 2013
Job: Police Officer (Entry Level/Academy Graduate/Lateral)
Posted By: The City of El Cajon
Deadline: Monday, May 6, 2013 by 5:00 PM.
2013 Executive Directors Leadership Program (EDLP)
EDLP is a three part, six month program designed to give Executive Directors the knowledge, skills, and support they need to effectively lead, manage, and more their organizations forward.
Applications Due May 17, 2013.
Job: Shambala Fellowship 2014-2015
Description: Work with international NGOs in Asia and raise funds to support OWW orphans
Posted By: The Shambala Foundation
Stipend: $500/month
Should I Stay or Should I Go? An Immigrants Dilemma
Thick smog encased the crowded streets, jeepney drivers’ horns buzzed in an endless cacophony, and plastic bags scattered all over the streets of Quezon City. So why did I still feel a positive vibe? - Read more...
As everyone knows, the awaited Mother's Day is this weekend. Since I've already a got a special little gift wrapped and ready for my mom's arrival this Sunday, I also thought maybe I should I cook her favorite Filipino dessert--Ginataang. For every big holiday, my mom loves to cook this sweet treat and I've decided that maybe this time it's my turn. If you're looking for recipes on how to cook your mother's favorite filipino dessert, you should check out your family cook book, ask some friends, or you can check out this handy website called It's filled with recipes perfect for the full course meal! Check it out:
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