Congrats to our very own Marily Mondejar! Marily will be receiving the Community Leadership Award on TONIGHT at the Asian Pacific American Labor Alliance-San Francisco Chapter (APALA-SF) Fundraising Awards Dinner 2013! The awards dinner will be held at ILWU 34, #4 Berry St, San Francisco (next to AT&T Park) at 6:00 pm. You may pay at the door! For more info, visit:
Woohoo! FWN Board Member, Sonia Delen, was a panelist for the 2nd Annual Bay Area Pan Asian Executive Panel Event at Charles Schwab in San Francisco on May 9, 2013.
FWN's "Usaping Puki" is this Sunday, May 26, 2013 @ 2:30 pm. Are you coming? Buy your tickets NOW at
- May 26, Sunday, 2:30pm (matinee)
- Fort McKinley Restaurant
- 101 Brentwood Drive, South San Francisco
- $100 (VIP seating with Filipino Buffet Lunch and attend Cast After-Party);
- $45 (Preferred Seating with Filipino Buffet Lunch)
- $25 for General Admission (open seating).
Ignite your economic spirit! Join us 4th Tuesdays and learn ways to manage your current life issues, explore your options in each of the 12 Life Empowerment Areas for personal and professional development. The 3rd session will explore Economic Security.
You have more money than you think!
Edcelyn Pujol, (FWN100 '12) is Certified Financial Planner ™ with Frontier Wealth Strategies
Jacqueline Yu, Esq. (FWN100 '12) is Estate Planning Attorney with Horton, Roberts & West LLP
May 28, Tuesday, 5:30pm
$40 for FWN Members; FREE for members if you bring a paying guest; $50 for Non-members).
Session scholarships available from A Topnotch Security Services Inc. Email us to request.
- 582 Market St @ 2nd St, San Francisco, 10th Floor
- BART/Muni: exit Montgomery Station and come up 2nd Street
- Parking: $10 after 5pm to 9pm at the Eighty Five Second Street Garage. Parking Entrance at 590 Mission St. Other parking garages in the general vicinity, visit
This year we are reaching out to our Filipina sisters worldwide as we select the first Global FWN100 - Filipina women accomplishing good work leaving a global imprint through their communities and corporations. Previous FWN100 awardees are encouraged to nominate or be nominated again for this prestigious Global FWN100 Awards which will be held at the beautiful Beaux-Arts Julia Morgan Ballroom.
REGISTER for early bird pricing AND your name will be entered to win a roundtrip ticket wherever Southwest Airlines flies with no black-out dates. Go to to register.
Shared by Agnes Briones Ubalde: 2013 National Small Business Week, June 17-20, 2013
Every year since 1963, the President of the United States has issued a proclamation announcing National Small Business Week, which recognizes the critical contributions of America’s entrepreneurs and small business owners:
More than half of Americans either own or work for a small business, and they create about two out of every three new jobs in the U.S. each year.
As part of National Small Business Week, the U.S. Small Business Administration takes the opportunity to highlight the impact of outstanding entrepreneurs, small business owners, and others from all 50 states and U.S. territories. Every day, they’re working to grow small businesses, create 21st century jobs, drive innovation, and increase America’s global competitiveness.
Wells Fargo, is committed to supporting our local small businesses succeed and grow financially. In the spirit of 2013 National Small Business Week, please let me know how we can support your small business clients by offering free financial education thru our Hands on Banking financial literacy curriculum:
Call or email Agnes Briones Ubalde at 510.446.4359 or today if you have an existing forum/workshop/session scheduled in May/June and we can personally set up a meeting with your clients to meet with our Business Banking Specialists and/or other Small Business banking partners to provide a face-to-face lesson on starting, managing and growing your business.
USCIS to Expand Entrepreneurs in Residence Initiative
Washington – In just over one year, U.S. Citizenship and Immigrant Services' (USCIS) innovative Entrepreneurs in Residence (EIR) initiative has produced real benefits that will strengthen agency policies and practices relating to job-creating immigrant entrepreneurs who help advance American economic growth. Read full text.
Osaka Mayor, Sex Slavery is 'Never Necessary'
The San Francisco Department on the Status of Women joins other organizations in condemnation of the May 13 assertion by Osaka Mayor Toru Hashimoto that the system of sex slavery imposed by the Japanese military in Asia during World War II was “necessary” to provide relief to soldiers. - New America Media. Read more...
Obama: Soldier Rapes Hurt U.S.; Comfort Women Dissed
Obama says that the U.S. military's sexual assaults are "dangerous to our national security." A mayor says the Japanese military's "comfort women" were necessary. - Women's eNews. Read more...
Humor by Female Comics Redefines What's Funny
Two decades ago it would have been tough to imagine that a soft-spoken lesbian comic would become not only one of the most admired daytime talk show hosts of her time but also the "face" of Cover Girl cosmetics. - Women's eNews. Read more...
Penis and vagina phobia
Most parents do not teach their children the proper name for their genitals, a penis becomes a willie, peepee, weewee, dingdon, twinkie or whatever and there are 100 plus adult names for it. - The Age. Read more...
First Asian American Exhibit Debuts at the Smithsonian
In honor of Asian Pacific American Heritage Month, the Smithsonian National Museum of American History has launched its first-ever pan-Asian exhibit. - New America Media. Read more...
A Medical Procedure One in Three Women Will Have in Their Lifetime
Who has abortions? Mothers, daughters, sisters, aunts, grandmothers, lawyers, students; women have abortions. - New America Media. Read more...
FWN Professional Series - Session #3, May 28, 2013, Tuesday at 5:30 PM. San Francisco. Click for info.
CAA Celebration of Justice, June 6, 2013, Thursday at 6:00 PM - Empress of China, 838 Grant Avenue, San Francisco. Click for info.
Most Influential Women in Business Awards, June 6, 2013, Thursday at 5:30 PM - Hilton San Francisco Union Square, 333 O' Farrell St, San Francisco. Click for info.
New Filipino Cinema 2013, June 5-9, 2013, Wednesday-Sunday, YCBA Screening Room, 701 Mission St, San Francisco. Click for info.
3rd Annual San Francisco Peacemaker Awards, June 6, 2013, Friday at The City Club of San Francisco, San Francisco. Click for info.
Shared by Esther Lee (FWN100 '12): Legacy of Health, Wellness, and Education Symposium, June 8, 2013, Saturday at 8:15 AM - Oracle Conference Center, 350 Oracle Parkway, Redwood City. LHWE Tri-Fold Brochure_3_21_13.pdf
Queen's Bench Annual Judges' Dinner, June 13, 2013, Thursday at 5:30 PM - Parc 55 Wyndham Union Square, 55 Cyril Magnin, San Francisco. Click for info.
Health Impact Assessment Practitioners Summer Training Course, July 15-18, 2013 - TCE Oakland Conference Center, 111 Broadway, 7th Floor, Oakland. Click for info.
Asian & Pacific Islander Institute on Domestic Violence 2013 National Summit, June 30 - July 2, 2013, San Francisco. Click for info.
Maryland Philippine Festival, June 2, 2013, Sunday - Maryland State Fairgrounds, Timonium, MD. Contact Luis Florendo at
2013 Americas NeuroLeadership Summit, November 5-8, 2013. Washington, D.C. Click for info.
APALA 2013 12th Biennial Convention, August 15-18, 2013, Bally's Las Vegas, 3645 Las Vegas Blvd S., Las Vegas. Click for info.
Asian Publishing Convention, July 11-12, 2013, Thursday - Friday, Manila. Click for info.
Job: District Scheduler - Office of Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi (San Francisco)
Description: The San Francisco Office of Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi seeks a skilled and dedicated district scheduler. Ideal candidate will have community ties to San Francisco, Capitol Hill experience and/or scheduling experience for an elected official, the ability to manage multiple priorities and demands simultaneously, excellent & succinct communication skills, maximum flexibility, a professional demeanor, a considerable amount of discretion, keen attention to detail, a strong work ethic and the ability to work long hours with possible travel for short periods. The successful candidate must be a proven self-starter with substantial initiative, observant, energetic, calm under pressure, forward thinking, creative, interested in public service, and extremely organized. This position is based in San Francisco, CA. Please send resumes to No phone calls or walk-ins please.
Job: Planner II GIS/Cartographer - Citywide Data Analysis Group
Posted by: The Planning Department
Filing date: May 28, 2013.
Job: Writer/Editor & Development Director
Posted by: Hesperian
Girls Circle Facilitator Training in San Pablo, CA June 20-21, 2013
Deadline for Early Bird Registration: May 23rd, 2013
Around the World in 80 Minutes
If you are dreaming of a trip around the world but lacking the time or the money to do so, trouble yourself no more. A new attraction not far from Metro Manila will not only bring your dream closer to reality, it will also give you that awe-inspiring feeling one gets when seeing something spectacular for the first time. - Read more...
If you haven't been to the San Francisco Asian Art Museum, then you should definitely check it out. As you know, this month is Asian Heritage Month, so what better way to close out the end of May with a visit to the museum and douse your Pinay roots in some art?
At the Asian Art Museum, in their wonderful and beautiful collection, you can find various artifacts from the Philippines, such as a beautiful woven copper anklet from Mindanao and an intricately designed headdress of the Talaandig people. To plan your visit to the museum, visit

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