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Woohoo! If you haven't already, please join us in applauding the sensational cast & crew of FWN's Usaping Puki 2013 benefit production at Fort McKinley Restaurant. Last Sunday, May 26th, fellow FWN members and friends put together another truly inspiring show.
Watch Dr. Tess Mauricio (FWN100 '11) discuss the "Time Machine" during the Wellness Hour:
INVITATION (New York): Join FWN at a private meeting with Judge Lorna Schofield - June 4 (Tuesday)
Please join FWN Members and Marily Mondejar at a private meeting with Judge Schofield for a congratulatory meet, greet and conversation.
She is the first first Filipino American to serve as an Article III judge in American history. The U.S. Senate confirmed Schofield on December 13, 2012 in a 91-0 vote. She received her commission on December 13, 2012.
We heartily commend President Obama and Senator Schumer for nominating a highly qualified jurist to serve as a U.S. District Judge for the Southern District of New York on April 25, 2012. She testified before the U.S. Senate Judciary Committee on June 6, 2012.
RSVP required to provide guest list for security purposes. Meeting schedule and meeting room provided when we confirm your RSVP. Please RSVP before Monday, June 3rd, 12 noon:
- June 4, Tuesday, 5:00pm; Meet at 4:30pm to give time for security screening
- U.S Courthouse, 40 Foley Square (40 Centre Street), New York
- After the Schofield meeting, join us for a group "KKB" dinner at Tribeca Grill, 375 Greenwich St. at the corner of Franklin St., to continue our networking.
- RSVP required for both the Judge Schofield and Tribeca group dinner.
Ms. Schofield's life story is the epitome of the "American Dream." Growing up in New Haven, Indiana, she was the only child of a Filipina war bride who married an American service man. She was raised by her mother, who came to the United States and became a pharmacist, stressing hard work, achievement, independence and self-sufficiency. Ms. Schofield lived in a predominantly Caucasian and blue collar community, where there was little ethnic diversity. Despite the odds against her, Ms. Schofield went on to graduate Phi Beta Kappa and magna cum laude from Indiana University. Thereafter, she graduated from New York University School of Law, where she was an editor of the Law Review and a Pomeroy Scholar. Ms. Schofield's achievements clearly did not stop there.
Prior to joining the bench, Judge Schofield practiced at the New York law firm of Debevoise & Plimpton for over 20 years. In 1991, she became the firm's first partner of color, and, for the past year, has served as Of Counsel to the firm. Before joining Debevoise, she served as an Assistant United States Attorney for the Southern District of New York (Criminal Division) for four years. Ms. Schofield was also the first Asian Pacific American to chair the Litigation Section of the American Bar Association, and she previously served as a member of the ABA's Standing Committee on the Federal Judiciary. In 2008, the National Law Journal named Ms. Schofield one of the nation's 50 most influential minority lawyers.
* Source: Press Release from the Asian American Bar Association of New York
Shared by Sonia Delen:
Kalayaan 2013: Celebrating a Legacy of Filipino Creativity, Talent, and Ingenuity."
Mabuhay! We are proud to announce that one of the biggest and most exciting celebrations commemorating the 115th Anniversary of the Proclamation of Philippine Independence will happen at noon on Saturday, 15 June 2013 at the heart of San Francisco --- the historic Union Square. Big business as well as entrepreneurs will mingle under a big tent and reach out to the community promoting their various services and products, while attendees are entertained by a long list of artists, dancers and musical groups. Highlight of this free event is a concert at 6 in the evening headlined by no less than Apl de Ap of the Black Eyed Peas.
This year’s theme is “Kalayaan 2013: Celebrating a Legacy of Filipino Creativity, Talent and Ingenuity.” As such Saturday's program will feature not only cultural and entertainment segments but a business component as well, kicked off by our very own Dado Banatao, to bring the Philippines' current economic successes and upgraded forecasts to the forefront. A two-day business seminar will also be held prior to Saturday’s event. Dubbed “Philippine Business Tech Expo and Conference,” this program will showcase the Philippines as one of the most important Business and Tech Destinations globally.
Scheduled on June 13 and 14, the business conference, organized by the Science and Technology Advisory Council (STAC), will be held at the Philippine Center on Sutter Street in San Francisco. The conference theme will focus on the Philippines as Asia’s best kept secret and a Gateway to ASEAN, with topics ranging from its pathway to current successes, emerging industries, rise of start-ups, social enterprise/sustainability and case studies of real companies who are innovating and benefitting from the wave of change in the country.
This community-led celebration is a collaborative effort by the Filipino American Community leaders from the San Francisco Bay Area in cooperation with the Philippine Consulate General. Opportunity for sponsorships for the event and rental of booths during the event are available. For more information on this exciting event:
Please visit or email:

This year we are reaching out to our Filipina sisters worldwide as we select the first Global FWN100 - Filipina women accomplishing good work leaving a global imprint through their communities and corporations. Previous FWN100 awardees are encouraged to nominate or be nominated again for this prestigious Global FWN100 Awards which will be held at the beautiful Beaux-Arts Julia Morgan Ballroom.
REGISTER for early bird pricing AND your name will be entered to win a roundtrip ticket wherever Southwest Airlines flies with no black-out dates. Go to register.
Please join us for another special Filipino Heritage Night with the Oakland A's. It's our 3rd year of Filipino Community Partnership! Let's show Pinoy Power!
$26 Filipino Heritage ticket includes:
- A commemorative Exclusive A's Filipino Heritage Scarf (redeem on day of game with your ticket stub)
- A yummy traditional Filipino food item
- Filipino Heritage Plaza infield seating
- Additional discount for groups of 25 or more PLUS will be recognized on scoreboard (Call David Nosti at 510.563.2283 and make sure to mention FWN)
- Ticket proceeds will benefit Filipino nonprofits including the Filipina Women's Network.
This year there is an extra incentive for those that place a 10% deposit towards planning a discounted group for this event. The group leader will receive the A’s Filipino Heritage collection (picture below – supply is limited), two tickets to another game, scoreboard message, an A’s group leader bag, and a GREAT rewards program for hitting 25, 100, and 300 tickets sold!. Feel free to contact David Nosti directly for more information at 510.563.2283.
Questions? Call 415.935.4396
USCIS to Expand Entrepreneurs in Residence Initiative
Washington – In just over one year, U.S. Citizenship and Immigrant Services' (USCIS) innovative Entrepreneurs in Residence (EIR) initiative has produced real benefits that will strengthen agency policies and practices relating to job-creating immigrant entrepreneurs who help advance American economic growth. Read full text.
Queens girl, 12, hangs herself as it's revealed school cyberbullies called her 'slut and a whore'
The devastated parents of Gabrielle Molina said the 12-year-old girl had been tormented by schoolyard bullies for months undefined and the abuse may be the reason she hanged herself in her Queens home. - New York Daily News. Read more...
Obama: Soldier Rapes Hurt U.S.; Comfort Women Dissed
Obama says that the U.S. military's sexual assaults are "dangerous to our national security." A mayor says the Japanese military's "comfort women" were necessary. - Women's eNews. Read more...
AARP Launches First National Asian Ad Campaign
AARP recently launched their first national Asian advertising campaign featuring key Asian community leaders Ginny Gong, Floyd Mori and Tony Taguba. - AsianWeek. Read more...
Anti-gay hate crimes on the rise: a call to the community
I first moved to New York when I was 24 years old and I was accepted into a doctoral program in psychology at Columbia University. Some college friends from my undergraduate university in Southern California were already living in New York and invited me to move in with them in a small two-bedroom apartment in the West Village. - The FilAm. Read more...
Community Forum for Women: Discussion on Equal Pay and Domestic Violence, June 1, 2013, Saturday at 11:00 AM. The Grand, 100 Grand Avenue, Oakland. Click for info.
CAA Celebration of Justice, June 6, 2013, Thursday at 6:00 PM - Empress of China, 838 Grant Avenue, San Francisco. Click for info.
Most Influential Women in Business Awards, June 6, 2013, Thursday at 5:30 PM - Hilton San Francisco Union Square, 333 O' Farrell St, San Francisco. Click for info.
New Filipino Cinema 2013, June 5-9, 2013, Wednesday-Sunday, YCBA Screening Room, 701 Mission St, San Francisco. Click for info.
3rd Annual San Francisco Peacemaker Awards, June 6, 2013, Friday at The City Club of San Francisco, San Francisco. Click for info.
Shared by Esther Lee (FWN100 '12): Legacy of Health, Wellness, and Education Symposium, June 8, 2013, Saturday at 8:15 AM - Oracle Conference Center, 350 Oracle Parkway, Redwood City. LHWE Tri-Fold Brochure_3_21_13.pdf
Queen's Bench Annual Judges' Dinner, June 13, 2013, Thursday at 5:30 PM - Parc 55 Wyndham Union Square, 55 Cyril Magnin, San Francisco. Click for info.
Latitude | Longitude Emerging Markets Business Conference, June 14, 2013, Friday - Philippine Center, San Francisco. Click for info.
Kalayaan 2013 Outdoor Celebration and Business Expo, June 15, 2013, Saturday - Union Square, San Francisco. Click for info.
Health Impact Assessment Practitioners Summer Training Course, July 15-18, 2013 - TCE Oakland Conference Center, 111 Broadway, 7th Floor, Oakland. Click for info.
Asian & Pacific Islander Institute on Domestic Violence 2013 National Summit, June 30 - July 2, 2013, San Francisco. Click for info.
Maryland Philippine Festival, June 2, 2013, Sunday - Maryland State Fairgrounds, Timonium, MD. Contact Luis Florendo at
2013 Americas NeuroLeadership Summit, November 5-8, 2013. Washington, D.C. Click for info.
Build live. The Solve! Sessions, June 19, 2013, Wednesday - The American Academy of Arts and Sciences, Boston. Click for info.
New York 2013 Conference: Volunteers for a Global Future, July 27, 2013, Saturday at 8:00 AM - Hofstra University, 200 Hofstra University, Library 246, Hempstead. Click for info.
5th Annual Fiesta Filipino, June 1, 2013, Saturday at 10:00 AM - The Boulevard Mall, 3528 S Maryland Pkwy, Las Vegas. Click for info.
APALA 2013 12th Biennial Convention, August 15-18, 2013, Bally's Las Vegas, 3645 Las Vegas Blvd S., Las Vegas. Click for info.
2013 AAPI Cultural Awareness Workshop, June 20-21, 2013, Thursday & Friday at 8:30 AM - University of Oregon in Portland White Stag Block, 70 NW Couch Street, Portland. Click for info.
Asian Publishing Convention, July 11-12, 2013, Thursday - Friday, Manila. Click for info.
Watch "seeking asian female" ONLINE with KQED:
When: Thursday, May 30, 2013 at 8PM
This documentary is presented by KQED and the Center for Asian American Media (CAAM) using OVEE, an all-new social screening tool. OVEE is an innovative online platform for watching your favorite public television programs with friends and family. Participants at this screening can join a real-time two-way conversation as this remarkable story unfolds.
Job: Writer/Editor & Development Director
Posted by: Hesperian
A culture trip around Makati aboard a jeepney
The City of Makati is introducing tourists to its rich history and culture by taking them on a ride around the city in a jeepney. - Read more...
On November 5, 2005, Nicole, a 22-year-old Filipina was raped by U.S. Marine Cpl. Daniel Smith. Demonstrating courage and bravery, Nicole chose to speak out about her rape and accuse the U.S. Marine and his accomplices. On Dec. 4th, our very own Marily Mondejar attended the hearing where Cpl. Smith was ultimately convicted of rape and senteced to 20-40 years in prison. For those who don't know, the category "Nicole" in our search for the 100 Most Influential Filipina Women was created in honor of this brave young woman. To learn more, read article written by Marily Mondejar and Marilyn Fowler:
CAWA Reports from the Field_Pinay Power 2007 article.pdf
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