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About Nini Alvero

February 06, 2009 1:08 PM | Deleted user
Nini - on behalf of FWN, we don't say goodbye to you but instead "see you at your next post!". With technology and social media....you're only a click away....so make sure you stay in touch. Love from all of us... Marily


  • February 06, 2009 9:39 AM | Arlen Chou,President Rucker and Kolls Philippines Inc
    Nini, I am sorry that I will not be able to attend your going away party. But I hope that you will be happy because of my reason; I will be in the Philippines hiring and training more operators for my new company. You were the first person that I spoke to about opening my factory in the Philippines and without your help and guidance, I am sure that my journey would have been much more difficult. Thank you for the initial contacts in the Philippines and the difference that you made. In my small world you made a difference!


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  • February 06, 2009 10:20 AM | Jerry Paraiso, Founder-Managing Director JWAY GROUP, Inc. (San Jose, CA)
    Wishing you continued success and joy in your next assignment. You mattered because of how intensely focused, driven and successful you were in promoting technology exchanges and various business relationships between here (my team, in particular) and our peers in the Philippines. Your enthusiasm about Philippine trade, the Filipino professionals, & even the arts is remarkably inspirational. Don't stop.
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  • February 13, 2009 11:56 AM | Susan Santos, Friend Forever and former Colleague, DTI
    Surely, our paths will cross again and again and again. You are always an inspiration and a role model even if we are of the same age. ha! If it were not immoral, I wish we could clone you - one for your family, one for Art, and one for me. From one Solo girl to another. Thanks for the great memories! I never knew it was going to be this fun and non-distracting at the same time. Hugs, Susan
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  • February 26, 2009 7:15 PM | May Nazareno, Playwright and Artistic Director of The Pamana Theatre Project
    Thank you so much for being an inspiration in our community. Your leadership has set the bar for emerging young Filipinia professionals. It has been a honor to know you and thank you again for making a difference in the lives of many Filipinos.
    In appreciation,
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  • October 27, 2011 12:37 PM | goqhze
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