Filipina Women Who Could Be President Fellowship announced. 2012 sessions scheduled for May 4-6, July 27-29, October 12-14 and March 29-31, 2013.
V-Day 2012: The Vagina Monologues at the Herbst Theatre in San Francisco on Friday, May 25, 2012, 7:30pm. One-Night Show only. More info @
9th Filipina Summit: Pinay Power 2012 Reunion at the Stanford Court Hotel, San Francisco on August 30-September 1, 2012. Registrations now open @

NAPAWF Opposes Abortion Ban Targeting Asian American Women
The National Asian Pacific American Women’s Forum (NAPAWF) strongly opposes H.R. 3541, the “Prenatal Nondiscrimination Act” (PRENDA). The House Judiciary Committee today reported the bill favorably, with 20 Republicans voting for and 13 Democrats voting against it. If enacted, PRENDA would ban abortion based on race or sex. View article.

Filipina named head of UN statistical agency
Margarita F. Guerrero, a former director of the Industry and Trade Statistics Department of the National Statistics Office, is the new head of United Nations Statistical Institute for Asia and the Pacific (UN-SIAP), an international body tasked to produce and disseminate statistics relevant to the economic development of UN member-countries in the region. View article.
The sweet life of Pinay chef Sally Camacho
GMA News
Life is sweet for Filipina culinary master Sally Camacho, the executive pastry chef of one of the restaurants of world-renowned chef Wolfgang Puck. View article.
A Conversation with Eve Ensler with Isabel Allende - I am an Emotional Creature
February 24, 2012 from 7pm to 8:30pm
Dominican University of California, Angelico Hall San Rafael, California 94901
Eve Ensler, Tony Award winning author of The Vagina Monologues and founder of V-Day, the global movement to end violence against women and girls, comes to Marin for a very special conversation with internationally acclaimed author Isabel Allende. Ensler’s newest play Emotional Creature will world-premiere at Berkeley Rep in June 2012. This event is a benefit for V-Day, the global movement to end violence against women and girls. View details.
Tickets $35 (includes a signed copy of Ensler’s book) Call (415) 927-0960, ext. 1 to reserve.
Take a Leap: Speed Dating Mixer and Fundraiser
Leap Day, Feb. 29, Wednesday, 6:30-8:30PM
Spice Monkey Restaurant, 1628 Webster Street, Oakland (Webster @ 17th)
Filipino Advocates for Justice invites all single allies and friends to “take a leap” in the search for love and new friendships. View details.
The Women’s Foundation of California Women’s Leadership Speaking Series
Lynda Resnick in Conversation with Willow Bay
March 6, 2012, Tuesday, 6–8 PM
Los Angeles County Museum of Art
As Vice Chair of Roll Global, Lynda Resnick has built a reputation as a smart business leader with a brilliant marketing mind. Her best-selling book, Rubies in the Orchard, reveals her approach to building a successful brandundefinedan approach she has used to create Wonderful Pistachios and Almonds, Cuties California Clementines and Mandarins and POM 100% Pomegranate Juice. View details.
Philippine Expressions Bookshop host Annual Authors Night and participate at the LA Times Festival of Books
Authors Night
April 20, 2012, Friday, 6:00pm - 9:00pm
Community Hall, Ground Floor Asian Pacific American Legal Center
1145 Wilshire Boulevard, Los Angeles, CA 90017
Gregg Jones, author of Honor in the Dust: Theodore Roosevelt, War in the Philippines and the Rise and Fall of America's Imperial Dream will be one of our featured authors who will speak and sign his book at the annual Authors Night.
LA Times Festival of Books
April 21 and 22, 2012, Saturday and Sunday, 10:00am - 5:00pm
University of Southern California (USC) Campus, Los Angeles
For more info, contact:
Linda Nietes
(310) 514-9139
The Barbara Lee and Elihu Harris Lecture Series
Congressman John Lewis (D-GA)
April 21, 2012, Saturday, 7 pm
Beebe Memorial Cathedral 3900 Telegraph Avenue Oakland, CA 94609
The Barbara Lee and Elihu Harris Lecture Series is dedicated to an amble exchange of ideas to help inspire and move forward new leadership and servantship. This historic, unprecedented series of lectures presents Civil Rights leaders who have devoted a life-time to the timeless lessons of our nation’s Civil Rights Movement. View details.
Save the Date – Asian Law Caucus 40th Anniversary Dinner
April 27, 2012, Friday, 6:00 - 9:30 pm
Hilton San Francisco Union Square
Keynote Speaker: Dolores Huerta, President of the Dolores Huerta Foundation and Co-Founder of the United Farm Workers (UFW). View details.

Domestic Violence is Never a Private Matter. Send a CLEAR message to San Francisco's officials!
Help La Casa de las Madres put up another billboard - in Spanish! You can still make a contribution to reassure all victims and witnesses of domestic violence in San Francisco that they can and should feel safe to report abuse. View details.
Saving the Feminist Legacy
Respond to Veteran Feminists of America’s call to collecting the artifacts and memorabilia that will preserve the legacy and tell the story of the feminist movement. The VFA is committed to cultivating an appropriate repository for a collection of "grass roots" materials saved by American feminists, with a special focus on activists of the second wave. View details.
AAPI "What's Your Story?" Video Challenge – Help select the winning video
In the fall of 2011, the White House Initiative on Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders launched the “What’s your story?” video challenge. The challenge aimed to highlight the personal stories of Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders (AAPIs) across the country who have impacted their community through their dreams, experiences, and dedication to a cause.
Ultimately, 200 unique and inspiring stories were received. Each video shines a light on the important work happening around the country and they remind us what makes this community so strong. From these submissions, the top 11 video entrees were chosen based on strength of content and creativity.
Help select the winner by watching the video submissions at and voting for the story that most inspires you. The deadline for voting is March 1, 2012.

Charles Schwab Corporation Job Opening
Data Analyst Manager
Job ID: 0421-3622 View details.
Patent-Strategy Intern Opening
Fernandez & Associates, a Silicon Valley patent-strategy firm, is looking for entrepreneurial intern(s), preferably with strong business and engineering/science backgrounds, for researching and strategizing early-stage digital media, biotech, and semiconductor technology/business ventures. Download details.

Learn Tagalog
March 24, 2012 - April 21, 2012, Saturdays, 1-3 p.m.
Jersey City, NJ
The Filipino School of New York & New Jersey will offer a 5-week course on Conversational Tagalog Level I for Adults. This course will be taught by Agnes “Bing” Magtoto, currently Adjunct Professor teaching Elementary Filipino I & II, a language and culture course at NYU.
For more information or to register, please contact Venessa Manzano, School Director, at (774) 257-4669 or visit our website at Deadline for registration is Saturday, March 10, 2012.
Future Search Network - 'What Would You Do If...?' A Master Class
For Professionals In Community, Organization, And Personal Development
April 2 - 3, 2012 and June 11 - 12, 2012
Philadelphia, PA
Register by 2/29/2012 for the April 2 - 3, 2012 Master Class & save! Email: or call 215-951-0328 / 800-951-6333
View details.
Boards and Commission Leadership Institute now accepting applications for the 2012 cohort
Urban Habitat invites organizations to nominate to the BCLI individuals from within their organizations, campaigns, and networks. Nominees may be affiliated with organizations in several ways, including as staff member, project partner, and community partner. Nominations are due by May 2nd. View details.
Women's Research & Education Institute Congressional Fellowships on Women and Public Policy
The WREI Fellowships are designed to train women as potential leaders in public policy formation and to examine issues from the perspective and experiences and needs of women. This unique legislative program is administered by WREI, a nonprofit, nonpartisan organization located in Washington, DC, and is the only fellowship program directed by, for, and about women. View FAQ.
Fellowship applications for 2012 are now open, deadline is June 10, 2011. Fellowship information and applications may be downloaded here.
Submitted by Dr. Maria Beebe, FWN 100 ‘11
Participants Needed for Survey of Executive Filipina Women
Constance Leyland, an International Business doctorate student at Argosy University is conducting a survey with the purpose of identifying differences between women executives from the Philippines and the United States values and if the differences affect their leadership styles. This exploratory study will examine the intersection between the two independent variables- values and leadership. A comparative analysis between the executive women from the Philippines and the United States leadership and values commonality will be used to discover where if the gap exists. View details and survey.
Researcher: Constance Leyland,, (703) 444-5350

Open Visa
A novel by Romeo Honorio
Open Visa was penned by the author particularly for OFWs, caregivers, domestic workers and new immigrants in North America and reviewed by prominent Filipinos, Canadians and Americans. The book offers insight, inspiration and encouragement to readers. The novel is in the market and currently being distributed by Arkipelago Bookshop in San Francisco. View details.
How Star Women Build Portable Skills
Harvard Business School
A star performer in one company will shine at another, right? Wrong. When stars switch firms, their performance actually dims, along with their new company's market value, HBS Professor Boris Groysberg argues. Everyone loses.
Except when the stars are women. According to Groysberg, talented women who switch firms maintain their stardom, and their new employer's share price holds steady. Download PDF article.
Women and Politics Weekly Brief: February 9 - February 15, 2012
Women and Politics is the blog of the Women’s Campaign Forum (WCF). Founded in 1974, WCF is the only non-partisan political venture capitalist organization supporting women leaders at all levels of office, during the earliest stages of their public life. View blog.

Is EDSA 1986 For Filipinos?
Empowering the Filipino People
Manila Bulletin
Former Philippine President Fidel V. Ramos reflects on the significance of the EDSA People Power Revolution on its 26th Anniversary and urges the country’s present leadership to renew the spirit of EDSA. View article.