Dear friends, I hope you all have enjoyed your Thanksgiving holiday with family, friends, food, and good spirit! Now that turkey day is over, the winter holiday is just around the corner. Celebrate it with us at our Holiday Party to honor Vangie Buell on Dec. 14. More info can be found in the FWN Announcements and Events section of this issue. Check it out! - Rebecca
Congratulations to Al Perez and Luzviminda Micabalo!! Both are receiving the 2012 Presidential Award from the Commission on Filipinos Overseas given by Philippine President Benigno Aquino III at Malacanan this December! Woohoo!
Shared by Laura Izon Powell (FWN100 '07) and Jennifer Espanol:
The latest issue of the Femtoring Focus Newsletter has been released. The issue covers "Tips for Successful Women Mentoring Relationships". Click the link to read the full text: Femtoring Focus_Nov-Dec 2012.pdf
You're invited! Please join us at our Holiday Party to honor a truly remarkable Filipina Woman, Shero & Legend, Vangie Buell, on December 14 at 6:30 PM at Hana Zen Pier 39. For more information and to RSVP, visit
Vangie Buell is a living historical gem: She's the granddaughter of a Buffalo Soldier -- the nickname given by American Indians in the 19th century to black American soldiers. Even rarer: Her grandfather Ernest Stokes was one of the 6,000 Buffalo Soldiers sent to the Philippines to fight during the Spanish-American War during the 1890s. He was one of the few who stayed, married a Filipina (Buell's grandmother) and had children.
In her memoir "Twenty-Five Chickens and a Pig for a Bride: Growing Up in a Filipino Immigrant Family" (T'Boli Publishing, 2006), Buell recounts her grandfather's experience, and her own, as one of the few Filipinos growing up in West Oakland during the 1930s and '40s.
She remembers seeing "No Filipinos or dogs allowed" signs posted at restaurants and having to wear a button that said "I am a loyal Filipino" during World War II, because even though she didn't look Japanese, she was still Asian -- and vulnerable to harassment. -Michelle Devera Louie, SF Chronicle
A Filipino-American activist, Vangie was born in San Pedro, California, grew up in West Oakland and devoted her life to social justice, human dignity, multicultural understanding and equality.
On Sunday, November 18, FWN attended the PIA Bazaar and Fashion Show at the Hyatt Regency in San Francisco where designer Patis Tesoro's designs went down the runway! To check out photos taken by Richard Lao from the event, visit:

(click photo to enlarge)
Way to go Fil-Ams! In this year's election cycle a number of Filipino Americans were elected nationwide. To celebrate their victory, we hosted the successful Fil-Am Thanksgiving and Victory Party Monday night, November 19. Many people attended and celebrated with music and food, such as yummy lechon and cupcakes! If you missed it, or want to relive the festivities, check out these photos:
Eve Ensler and Tony Stroebel's film "One Billion Rising" is gaining momentum. You can watch the trailer for the film here:
California Women Lead's mission is to ENGAGE, EMPOWER, and ELECT more women in the 2014 and 2016 elections. According to CA Women Lead, "in 2014, seven women will end their careers in the State Assembly, and in 2016 seven women will in State Assembly and five in the State Senate will be barred from seeking reelection for their current seats," which will create an opportunity for other women to participate in public service. Visit, to learn more.
East West Players - Casting Notice: Now Casting for "Christmas in Hanoi". Written by Eddie Borey and directed by Jeff Liu. Rehearsal begins January 8, 2013. Show opens February 13, 2013. Email resume and photo to: Mail to: Casting, East West Players, 120 Judge John Aiso Street, Los Angeles, CA 90012. For more information, visit:
The Asian & Pacific Islander Institute on Domestic Violence is in need of stories for U visa clients' experiences with Immigration Court and ICE. If you have a story to share, please fill out the brief survey here by Novebmer 30, 2012. You can also contact Cecelia Friedman Levin at or call 202-505-5140.
WMC Feature: Girls Impact the World Film FestivalundefinedA Forum for Social Change
Opportunities for large-scale creative problem solving by women seem few and far between, in part due to lack of access to forums where ideas ripe for development can be heard. Read full text.
Women Offered Fewer Career-Advancing "Hot Jobs"
Catalyst research shows that on-the-job experience leads to advancement more quickly than formal leadership trainingundefinedand even among those who have completed training programs, men are still more likely than women to get access to “hot jobs.” Read full text.
United Nations Calls for Global Ban On Female Genital Mutilation:
Campaigners against female circumcision scored a majory victory Monday with the approval by a key U.N. committee of a resolution calling for a global ban on female genital mutilation. - Huffington Post. Read more...
Honoring a Great American:
At the November 17 memorial service for Alex Esclamado, Filipino American community leaders from throughout the US, like Loida Nicolas Lewis, spoke eloquently about what a great Filipino Alex was, for leading the US opposition to the Marcos dictatorship, for advocating for Filipino WW II veterans, for working to unify and empower the Filipino American community. - Inquirer. Read more...
The Filipino child is not dispensable:
This week, the Senate prepares to vote on House Bill No. 6052 which will lower the age of criminal liability in the nation from 15 to 12 years old. - Rappler. Read more...
Five Week Movement Workshop: Chalk Talk Walk, November 6th through December 4th, 2012, Tuesdays at 7 PM - Intersection for the Arts, 925 Mission St, Suite 109, San Francisco. RSVP to Melvign Badiola at
Celebrate Major Milestones - A Fundraiser for Global Women's Leadership Network, December 5, 2012 Wednesday at 5:30 PM to 7:00 PM - Adobe Lounge, Santa Clara University, Santa Clara. Click for info.
CA Women Lead Holiday Mixer, December 11, 2012, Tuesday at 5:30 PM to 7:30 PM - The California Museum, 1020 O Street, Sacramento. Click for info.
Holiday Party to Honor Vangie Buell, December 14, 2012, Friday at 6:30 PM - Hana Zen Pier 39, Beach and Embarcadero, San Francisco. Click for info.
New York
Asian Women Boutique Owners: Lower East Side Shopping Night, November 27, 2012, Tuesday at 6:00 PM to 8:00 PM - celebration begins at Yumi Kim, 105 Stanton Street, New York. Click for info.
Starting Your Business 101, Now through December 4, 2012, each session from 6:00 PM to 8:30 PM - Microsoft, 1290 Avenue of the Americas (between W 51st & W 52nd St), New York City. Click for info.
California State University, Sacramento's Center for California Studies sponsors the Capital Fellows Programs for college grads to receive a monthly stipend of $1,972 to work for 10-11 months as full-time members of a legislative, executive, or judicial branch office.
NCAVP WEBINAR: Outreach to LGBTQ Communities - December 13, 2012, Thursday at 3 PM to 5 PM EST. Visit:
2013 Leadership Development Program for Managers and Executives Serving Transition-Age Youth - CompassPoint is now accepting applications. Visit the website to learn more:
Rural Human Services - Executive Director Job - Rural Human Services provides comprehensive programs in Del Norte County, California, and surrounding communities to support people in need, including domestic violence shelter services, a food bank, job training, support for local businesses, independent living support for disabled adults, and more. Apply by December 3.
Small Business Saturday 2012 - November 24, 2012 - Visit website for information on where to shop:
1,000 Stories Campaign - Know a business woman owner with an interesting story? Share it with the 1,000 Stories Campaign, launched by The Story Exchange aimed at understanding the needs of women business owners and giving their stories media exposure. Visit:
PH 87th among 141 countries in Forbes ' Best Countries for Business List'
The Aquino government welcomed reports that the Philippines placed 87th among 141 countries in the Forbes’ Best Countries for Business List, ahead of China and India, a Palace official said on Tuesday. Read more...
Ever since I was a little girl, I have always been enamored with classic films and classic movie stars. For this, I salute my grandmother. Some of my favorite childhood memories were of me and my grandma watching "Meet Me in St. Louis" or "Seven Brides for Seven Brothers" in black and white on a little television screen, while cuddled up on her bed eating salted peanuts and original flavored fritos. Just recently, while perusing through a book, 100 Women of the Philippines by Joy Buensalido and Abe Florendo, I came across Rosa Rosal who is one of the 100 in the book.
The first few sentences about her reads, "She could have blazed away to become the most famous actress of her time but Rosa Rosal, one of the Philippines cinema's most beautiful faces, preferred to craft a more substantial, a more beautiful life." After reading more about Rosa in the book, I learned that in addition to her movies and being known as a "heartless contrabida (villainess)," she was a Red Cross volunteer, then becoming the Philippine National Red Cross governor. Rosa helped campaign for blood donations and funds for the National Blood Program. What an inspiring woman! Now I might just have to watch a few of her movies...
Have any old Filipino movie recommendations for me? Leave a comment and let me know!